
So many recipes, So little time

So many recipes out there, only so many meals everyday. Sometimes the maths are a bit tricky to do, I guess it's partly my fault for buying so many magazines and books that provide too many ideas of things I want to try or taste.
Why some recipe get made, and some remain on the "to-do" list for a very long time is actually a bit random. For the recipe I really want to try, I will go out and shop on purpose for them, for some others I just happen to have what is needed at home, some I do because I want to use a ustencil I bought and prove myself I just didn't buy it for no reason.

Today's recipe is bit of all that, I saw it in the latest issue of Zeste magazine, I had the ingredients at hand and it gave me an excuse to use my mandoline. The flavor combination startled me a little and got me curious: potatoes on a pizza, carbs on carbs... why not?
I often have pizza dough in my freezer, as I mostly prepare a big batch and freeze what I don't need. And quite obviously, I always have potatoes in my pantry. As surprising as it might be to people who know me, I have yet to hurt myself with my mandoline (I know I'm jinxing myself by writing this btw), which has proven to be a handy ustencil in my kitchen.

The recipe as it was in the magazine looked good, but I though it was missing something. First a pizza needs cheese, and I was in the mood for some fresh goat cheese. And then, as little as it may be, a little bit of green couldn't do it any harm. My new found love for arugula and the italian theme that was going on, leaded me obviously to a pesto.
I think the flavors combine really well, the arugula gives a nice kick to the dish, and if you don't mind having a garlic breath, this should be on your recipe "to-do" list.

Potato Pizza with Arugula Pesto and Goat Cheese

for the Pizza:

1 Pizza Dough
1 Big Potato
1 Clove of Garlic
Fresh Rosemary
Olive Oil
Salt, Pepper
Fresh Goat Cheese

for the Pesto:

125gr of Arugula
2 Cloves of Garlic
Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons of Walnuts
1 Teaspoon of Spiced Salt

Preheat the oven to 200°C

Wash and peel your potato, slice it very thinly, using a mandoline if you have one, so the slices are regular. Place them in a bowl.
Dice the fresh rosemary, and add it in the bowl, just keep a few needles to decorate in the end. Peel and crush the garlic and add it to the rest.
Now pour about 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the bowl. Add salt and pepper, and with a spoon, try to combine everything and coat the potatoes with the flavors. Set aside.

Roll out your pizza dough on a floured working surface, place it on a lighty oiled tray. Place the potato slices on top into a circle shape, if some oil is left, pour it on the top. Place it in the oven for 22 minutes (depending how thick/thin your pizza dough is).

In the meantime, wash the arugula, the peeled garlic and put them in a blender with the walnuts, start mixing while adding the olive oil. Add the spiced salt, mix it again and check for seasoning, correct to your taste.

When the pizza dough and the potatoes have a nice golden color, take it out of the oven, sprinkle some chunks of fresh goat cheese on top aswell as the rosemary you kept aside and serve with a bit of arugula pesto.

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